Cloud Strategy & Services

Cloud Strategy & Services

Cloud has become a much-used buzzword today and is viewed as a panacea for a host of ills. As with many popular terms, cloud means different things to different people. In reality, cloud is a powerful set of tools but only if used correctly in the right circumstances.

Different types of clouds serve different purposes.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - This is the most fundamental type of cloud service providing storage, backup and security.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) – PaaS adds another level of capabilities such as databases and general applications that can be used by clients to develop their own applications.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) - SaaS is a specific application that is based in the cloud. It is only that vendor’s application and is restricted to the functionality offered by the vendor.

Knowing which service to select requires experience as does the selection of the most appropriate vendor.

Migrating processes and relevant data and files to the selected service requires planning and flawless execution.

APS' deep experience means you can trust that the problem will be accurately assessed and the correct type and vendor of cloud services will be recommended. Your critical business information will be smoothly migrated to the cloud with a minimum of interruption.